Know a school, daycare or business that wants to hand out coloring books to bring awareness to kids ages 3-10. We'd love to know: |
Our mission is to bring awareness to children about the difference between good and bad touch. To let them know those bad touches are WRONG because 93% of cases are by a trusted adult and the child may think its normal and happens in every home. iTELLsecrets wants to let them know, it's not okay, it's okay to say no especially if they feel uncomfortable, it's not their fault, and they may feel confused especially if it's someone they care about. Most importantly, they must TELL an adult they trust until someone LISTENS and helps end the abuse.
We know this is a very sensitive subject, please help EDUCATE our kids so they are aware. Give them the education and voice to know to say no and TELL. Be the change that helps stop the new victim every 9 minutes. Strangers are not stripping innocence, it's the adults we trust. Someone needs to EDUCATE our kids, can we count on you being a part of our village? Will you LISTEN when they TELL? Will you BELIEVE them so it stops. Will you SUPPORT them as they heal? #iTELLsecrets |